Nomination Timeline
Nomination Period BeginsApril 5, 2024, 12:01 a.m.
Nomination Period EndsApril 30, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
If No Contested Races
Secretary Sends Formal Notice to all Voting Members along with Link to Candidate Statements May 2, 2024
Meeting Held to Vote by Acclamation the Election of CandidatesMay 16, 2024
If Contested Races
Voting Members will be Notified by Email that Elections will be held electronically (link to list of candidates and statements will be attached)May 1, 2024
Election Officially BeginsAll Voting Members receive electronic ballotMay 2, 2024
Voting Period Ends May 20, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
Election Administrators Count BallotsMay 21-22, 2024
Results of Elections are Announced to membership by email and at Membership meeting, May 24, 2024
Election Results are Verified and CertifiedMay 26, 2024
Newly Elected Officers Begin TermMay 26, 2024
Election information shared with DPNMMay 26, 2024

To be Eligible to Run for Any of the Following Positions:

State PositionsRegional Positions
ChairNorthern Metro
Vice-Chair RuralCentral Metro
TreasurerSouthern Metro

You Must:

  1. Have completed the Membership Form by the Nomination deadline of 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2024.
  2. Identify yourself as Hispano, or any variation of, as defned by Fuerzas Unidas Caucus By-Laws (Article III, Section A: Voting Membership Requirements)
  3. For Regional Representative positions, you must live in the region in which you are running.
  4. You can be an elected public offcial to run for an elected position within the caucus with the exception of State Level positions of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. If you are an elected public offcial your completed self- nomination form serves as agreement that you will not use membership information for your campaigns, nor hold campaign events as a representative of Fuerzas Unidas Caucus. Additionally, you must be able and willing to fulfll the role of the position you are running for.
  5. Persons may not hold or run for more than one Caucus position.
  6. All nominations are by self-nomination and must include 2-3 paragraphs stating why you are running for the position.
  7. Nomination forms must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. April 30, 2024.