Our Mission
Working Together to Empower Hispanos Across New Mexico
Our Values
We work for the well-being and dignity of all people who identify themselves as Nuevomexicano, Hispanic, Latina, Latino, Latinx, Chicana, Chicano, Chicanx, Mexican American, Puerto Riqueño, Puerto Riqueña, Afro-Carribbean, South American, Central American, Indo-Hispano, whether voters or not, documented or not, incarcerated or not, individuals with and without disabilities, and regardless of gender conformity, sexual identity, or sexual orientation.
We work with communities, and we strive to empower communities to support and elect candidates who address their concerns.
We provide a place for our people to discuss issues affecting their communities and to search for resolutions.
We support our people living in the rural and underserved areas of New Mexico and their unique issues, such as voting rights, access to healthcare, access to food, education, broadband, employment, industry consequences, agriculture, and forestry.
We recognize that New Mexico has been twice colonized, twice causing the loss and decimation of the languages, belief systems and ways of life on these lands. We strive to address the losses and traumas that result from colonization.
We are united with Native American tribes and sovereign nations who are the original inhabitants of this land. In many cases, we are part of the indigenous people of the Americas.
We honor the unique values that our members and communities possess.
As a caucus, we will operate in an ethical and moral fashion for all people and our lands.
We support and shall abide by the rules, goals, beliefs and values of the DPNM and the Democratic Party of the United States.