Upcoming Fuerzas Unidas Caucus Survey-2024
The Fuerzas Unidas Caucus utilizes an annual membership survey to determine county, regional and statewide priorities for the caucus. It is important that caucus leadership hear from members in all regions of the state.
At the time of our last survey, August of 2022, we had 88 members. We received input from almost half of our membership at the time. The priorities identified by our membership were used to focus our strategic plan goals and actions, determine our speakers for our membership meetings, and identify potential partner organizations and legislative advocates.
These included: 1) Getting out the Vote for the November 2022 election; 2) Community Organizing; 3) Education, focusing especially on the early childhood education ballot item; 4) Healthcare; 5)Environmental health and Climate Change; 6) and Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights. As the year progressed and we heard from our communities we added to the list, 7) Infrastructure Investment; and 8) Immigration.
The caucus membership has grown to 180+ members and more issues have been identified. Therefore we think it’s time to check in again with our membership, both rural and metro, to identify your top priorities for your region and state-wide.
In the last year, as we have traveled the state, we have heard some of the same issues including access to quality healthcare, healthy food, water and clean air, broadband, essential education, well-paying stable jobs and conservation of our natural resources. Another essential issue is the humane and compassionate support of migrants looking for safe asylum and livelihoods for their families. These are just some of the important concerns across New Mexico. What are your priorities? If it is not listed in the survey, please share it with us. We want to learn where to focus the energy of the caucus. Your responses to all the survey questions help leadership thoughtfully prioritize our work in New Mexico.
Please look for the survey in your email inbox and don’t forget to check your junk/spam folder and complete the survey before the deadline. We look forward to hearing from you: all our valued members!
We also need engaged members to identify areas where you would like to actively participate. The caucus is an all-volunteer organization, and we need assistance to help facilitate the goals of our membership. There are several areas in need of volunteers, in both urban and rural areas of our state.
Your help is critical to map a successful path forward for Hispanos across the state. If you have networking, writing, fundraising, organizational or event planning skills, or you are good with social media, join us, we are a fun group to work with! If you are just curious how a caucus or the Democratic Party works, we have opportunities to learn as we go! And we are a very supportive team. Please sign up for one of the committees to help caucus outreach and support our people with informative newsletters, events, and effective political engagement. If you’re not sure where you fit in, mark “other” and we’ll help you find your place in the important work of empowering our people.
We are Fuerzas Unidas!